Sunday, March 27, 2011

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Hello bright world! 

Tonight I am writing to you on my couch. It is 11:30, and for most college students I have about three more hours before bed time- but for me, it is already an hour past my bed time.. and I'm awake. I just finished a very long and terrible and grueling assignment (I'm being a drama queen), and my mind wont quit. So, I figured I might just try this out :).

Today I had a revelation. .. a seemingly familiar revelation (the epidemic of spiritual amnesia might be to blame for this re-revelation) about the power of words. Written, spoken, sung, rhymed, prayed, thought. It is the words of this world that cause movement in our lives. And as it is so with most gifts, we can use them for good or for bad. They can be lovely songs, or they can be noise. But more specifically- they can be empty or they can offer life. 

I have found myself all too often faced with the fear and shame of my mere adequacy in this life. Fearing that my actions, my thoughts, or my WORDS are simply not enough to make a difference, and to be quite frank, my fears are spot on. It is absolutely true: in my own flesh I offer no good thing. It is true:  nothing of value can escape my tired self... that is, nothing unless it is the overflow of something greater than me. Something greater and untainted by the flawed nature of my skin. This, I am confident, has a name: the Spirit of the Living God, Jesus Christ! It is only by overflow of His Spirit within me that any good or like-able thing might be escape me. And with that knowledge and that hope, I can speak and think and pray with boldness words that offer up life. I can sing, trusting and expecting the Lord to breathe His song out of me, and with that very breath, to fill with life the souls around me. It is true that mere words have no meaning. They are only sounds and clicks and inflections that we spit out in hopes to create something worth while. Something worth loving- but it is only with His life that those words take shape. And it is only with His promise that our empty hearts are filled. It is by Him alone.. and nothing else. 

And so, with a veil of sheer white over me, I can let go of my fears, and all my sorrows that hold me back from living this life of JOYFUL ABANDON! This life that we were each called to live wonderfully and BRIGHTLY because of the Hope that we find in our Lord, Jesus Christ!  I can let go of the burden of my sorry adequacy and I can live GREATLY! Because, you see, it is underneath this veil of sheer white that I am living- covered over and wrapped up in a glowing wonder. And although I still find myself looking at the same skin I was born in, the Lord looks at me and sees a bride. A pure and righteous and lovely bride- something I would never, and could never amount to on my own. Something that all my adequacies would never allow me to be. On my own I am a girl, and maybe even a woman, and then someday an kind old lady- but it is only beneath this veil that I find my self as a bride. It is only beneath this veil that I am freed to live in the greatness that I was called to live in! 

So world, live! Live brightly! Live freely and be a bird! Embrace this joyful abandon that you were made for! Lay down your fear and your shame and your worry and cling to the Truth that is this: God is bigger than you!.. and even more than that- it is not about you. It is about Him. It is ALL about Him.  So speak! Speak up and speak Truth! Live in overflow! Live in overflow of hope and peace and love and all things Great! He is our Good and He loves us- so let Him. Let Him love you, and it will be okay, I promise :)

Friday, November 19, 2010

The Burden-Bearer

" Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."
                                 -Matthew 11:28-30

My child, do not share your burdens with all who come to you professing concern. I, Myself, am the great burden-bearer. You need not look to another. I will lead you and guide you in wisdom from above. All things will be as I plan them, if you allow Me the freedom to shape circumstances and lead you to the right decisions.

I am merciful and kind. I love you beyond measure. I intend to do you good; and I will bring to you those who can truly help, if you leave all in My hands.

I want you to prosper and be in health. I want you to know me more intimately. If difficulties come, it is by My order and for your benefit. Others would say you have trouble: I would day you have a test.

-Come Away My Beloved, Frances J. Roberts

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Perhaps Today

Behold, as the lilies of the field, and as the grass, so your life is but for a season.
Yes, though you flourish in health, yet your time is short.
You have no sure promise of tomorrow.
Therefore live each day as though it were your last.
Seize each opportunity, knowing that it may be your last.

For it is certainly true that no situation presents itself twice the same.
The opportunities of today are not those of tomorrow.
Do not live as though they might be repeated.
Do not fail to enter every open door, or be held back by a feeling of unreadiness.
I Myself am your preparation.

I will give you the needed grace and wisdom for each moment as it comes, and you will rejoice in the victory.
For I will overcome timidity, and I Myself will displace inadequacy.
This is My work.
I will do it Myself through you if you allow yourself to be a channel for the flow of My Spirit.

For I myself am the life.
I Myself am your wisdom and your strength, even as I am your joy and your peace.
I am your victory.
My word is power because My word is spirit and truth.

Do not bear needless burdens.
They will only press upon your spirit and interfere with My movings.
Much remains to be accomplished.
Linger not over what happens to be an unfinished case.
Pass on.
My Spirit will continue to strive though you give no further thought.
In this way your mind shall be kept free and your path open,
and it shall always be a new way.
Keep moving always, and from life to life I will accomplish My purpose.
And know that as I work, all things work together, so that there is gathering strength and there shall be a glorious consummation.
Praise God!

- Come Away My Beloved, Frances J. Roberts